Michael Walla is new Technical Equipment Purchasing Manager
progros continues to expand its purchasing team
progros continues to extend its strengths in purchasing: Michael has provided assistance to the progros purchasing team as new Technical Equipment Purchasing Manager since 15 January. In this role, he will work closely with colleagues Catherine Mintert, Toni Engler and Eugen Drosdow to handle inquiries, price analyses and supplier negotiations for the technical equipment requirements of progros hotels – from efficient energy solutions and gym equipment to hotel TVs and digital in-room solutions.
After completing his vocational training as a hotel specialist in Treff-Hotel Wernigerode, Michael initially worked as shift leader on reception at Hotel Schloss Reinhartshausen Kempinski in Erbach and then as Reception Manager at IBIS Hotel Frankfurt City Fairground. He gained international hotel experience as a receptionist at The Vineyard at Stockcross in Newbury (United Kingdom) and in Alpenhof Hotel in Zermatt (Switzerland). His last role was at Fuji Electric Europe GmbH – initially as Internal Sales Agent and Purchaser and then as Purchasing Assistant Manager from 2015 onwards.
Welcome to procurement “buy” progros, Michael.